Thursday, December 13, 2012

Flower Girl Practice

When Miss Ryann accepted the role of flower girl for our wedding, we knew she would take the responsibility very seriously.  We gave Ryann a classic Radio Flyer tricycle for her 1st birthday with a sign that said "Flower Girl in Training" in hopes that she would eventually grow in to the trike and possibly ride it at the wedding. 
Ryann loves to practice riding on her trike, although her little legs are still too short so she enjoys a push around the house.
Another important task for Ryann will be shaking her tailfeathers at the reception dance party.  She has been practicing her best dance moves to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I caught some of these on tape during my recovery.  I can't even take how adorable she is!

Bye Bye Bunny

*** Caution!  This post contains graphic material that may not be loved by all viewers! ***

One of the first times Nate and I hung out was after one of my softball games with the work league I played in.  I whipped off my shoes and socks and he asked what in God's name was on my foot.  At that point we were just starting to get to know each other, and I did not want him to know that it was a bunion and a permanent fixture in my life.  I told him I got hit with a grounder at softball that night.

A few months later, when my "softball injury" didn't get better, the truth came out.  I had a bunion and it wasn't going anywhere.  My bunion fondly became known as Bunny and unfortunately she only got worse and worse.  In this year's Jimmy Fund Walk, the pain got to be so bad that I swore up and down I would see a foot doctor as soon as possibly..

That very next week I was sitting in the exam room with the Chief of Podiatry at Brigham & Women's Hospital discussing my options.  I had tried various types of shoes, inserts, and remedies to ease the pain that Bunny caused, but because nothing had worked, and I was becoming so limited with what physical activity I could do, surgery was the last option.

So, last week I went under the knife to have Bunny removed. The "bunionectomy" was done at Faulkner Hospital, and it was a complete success!  I spent just about all of last week on either my parents' couch or my own with lovely family members taking care of me.  This week, and the next few weeks, I will be working from home.  I can't drive yet and I need to have my foot elevated because it swells like a balloon if its not elevated.

Here are some fun pics of my week:

Pretty view of Boston from Faulkner
The doctor's markings
My needs
Dottie loved the extra attention all week

The Flower Girl and I just checking our email
Before and After