Sunday, October 21, 2012

Old Maid of Honor Tryouts

Way back in the day when my sister Kaitlin got engaged, I started to tell all her friends that I would be the Maid of Honor.  Kate thought it was a little presumptuous, so she announced she would be having tryouts for who would get the honor of the second most important role in her wedding.  I was the only one who tried out and it was a fun night.

A few months after I started dating Nate, Kate decided to hold Boyfriend Tryouts for him.  Again, it was a fun night of games and good company.

What's that old saying... Payback's a bitch?!  It was finally our turn to return the try-out favor and give Kate (and her hubby Dan) a taste of their own medicine.  Nate and I wanted to have Dan be a part of our wedding day as a groomsman, so it was the perfect forum to ask the old man.

Without further adieu... here were the events!

The Packing Game
"With all of the bags being packed on top of the car for the road trip wedding extravaganza, somehow by the time she got to Jay Peak, Kacey realized that her suitcase was missing!  She calls Kate in a panic to pack her a bag.  Kate—you have 2 minutes to pack a bag of things Kacey will need for her wedding weekend."

Kate packed all the necessities for a weekend away: bathing suit, tampons, perfume, make-up, dress, clean undies, and boat shoes.

Double Dare (Kate vs. Dan)
-  Challenge to start the game:  60 seconds to write down all the places K&N have traveled together. Winner has first crack at questions and 50 points (Kate won this so she got first crack at the questions)
-  K&N Trivia: 10 questions about us.  Answer on first try: 25 pts.  Answer on a dare: 50 pts.  Answer on a Double Dare: 75 pts.  Physical Challenge: 100 pts. The physical challenges were "Minute to Win it" games.  (trivia answers at end of post)
  • What street did Nate take Kacey biking down on their first official date? Kacey claimed if she could bike on ______, she could bike anywhere.
  • How many months older is Nate than Kacey
  • Who was the first person on Kacey’s side to know K&N were engaged?
  • What are Kacey & Nate’s nicknames for each other?
  • What famous athlete bought his wife an “I’m sorry I was caught in a cheating scandal necklace” from the jeweler that Nate bought Kacey’s ring from?
  • What is Nate’s middle name?
  • What date did Kacey and Nate celebrate their negative-one anniversary on
  • What date and where did Nate propose to Kacey?
  • What is the flower that Kacey’s ring is made to resemble?
  • When will the save-the-dates be done?
After trivia was done, there was a challenging obstacle course that Kate, Dan, Nate, and I all did.  Here are some pics from that:

The Flower Girl Walk
Our FG Ryann is quite the sassy little chickie, and it is super important that she successfully walk down that aisle.  As the potential matron-of-honor, it would be Kate's responsibility to make sure that girl gets down that aisle!  Kate had one minute to coerce Ryann down our sidewalk without being able to pick her up or hold her hand.  Kate used our solar walkway lights to tease Ry down the sidewalk.

The Nate-Over
"Uh oh!  Kacey and Nate budgeted incorrectly!  After many sleepless nights of punching numbers to make it all work, they decided that their liquor budget was more important than a visit to the salon on the wedding day.  As MOH, Kate, makeup will now be your responsibility.  Kate-- please take 5 minutes to give the groom a Nate-over—complete with nails, hair, and makeup."

Then it was Dan's turn to give his sister-in-law a makeover.  While Kate took normal measures to make Nate look good, Dan thought I could use something a little more drastic... so he grabbed a non-washable Crayola and worked his magic.

The Vow
"Oh no!  After a successful bunion surgery and newly gorgeous feet, Kacey decided she wanted to be a model.  At her first meeting with the modeling agency, they said they could not work with her until she had her nose straightened out.  Because Kacey and Nate were saving for a wedding, they decided to take the cheap route and head to Mexico for the rhinoplasty.  Big mistake!  By the time the wedding date rolled around, Kacey’s nose was more crooked than it was before the surgery, and on top of that, she was now missing a nostril!  The earliest BWH could get her in was a month after the wedding.  Because the payments were made to Jay Peak non-refundable, and there were no other dates available, the show must go on.  Kacey needs her MOH to do her vows for her, but unfortunately she has lost the card she wrote them on.  So Kate, please stand before God and these witnesses and confess Kacey’s love for Nate."

Then, it was Dan's turn!

All in all it was a fun night for all and I think the true winners were Nate and me, as we officially had our Matron of Honor and groomsman.  I can't wait for everyone to get their Save the Dates, which Kate worked her magic on.  They look amazing!

Trivia answers:
  • What street did Nate take Kacey biking down on their first official date? Kacey claimed if she could bike on ______, she could bike anywhere. (Mass Ave)
  • How many months older is Nate than Kacey? (21 months)
  • Who was the first person on Kacey’s side to know K&N were engaged? (Dan—KC texted him to ask if he could put a bottle of champagne in the fridge)
  • What are Kacey & Nate’s nicknames for each other? (sir and maam)
  • What famous athlete bought his wife an “I’m sorry I was caught in a cheating scandal necklace” from the jeweler that Nate bought Kacey’s ring from? (Kobe Bryant)
  • What is Nate’s middle name? (Haywood)
  • What date did Kacey and Nate celebrate their negative-one anniversary on? (9/1/12)
  • What date and where did Nate propose to Kacey? (4/1/12 in Bristol)
  • What is the flower that Kacey’s ring is made to resemble? (forget-me-not)
  • When will the save-the-dates be done? (now!)

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