Kacey & Nate

The early days: Way back in September of 2009, Kacey decided she needed to get out of the office for a little bit each week, so she looked for volunteer opportunities in Boston.  She came across the clown program at Dana-Farber Hospital and knew it was for her.  Somehow it got around to Kacey’s sister’s BFFL Annie, who is a nurse at Dana-Farber that Kacey was joining the clown troupe and the first time Kacey was a Clown-in-Training, she was introduced to Dr. Nathan Hartwell, PharmD.  Annie thought we would be a fantastic   match, but unfortunately, Nate was not single at the time. 
 Kacey spent the next few months clowning and if she was lucky, she caught a glimpse of Nate’s best ASSet.  Then, one fateful day in March, Annie pulled Kacey aside and told her that Nate was finally available. Annie also told Nate to get a move on it!  Not wanting to seem too desperate, Kacey waited until Nate “friended” her on Facebook.  Kacey didn’t want to seem like a total Facebookaholic, so she sent Nate an email and said it would be best to talk through that outlet.  After a few emails and g-chats, Kacey and Nate decided to meet up for drinks after work one day.  Kacey saw this as a first date, while Nate invited all his friends to stop by and hang out to ensure it was not a date.  Regardless, drinks turned into dinner. Then, being the gentleman he is, Nate walked Kacey to her T-stop to head home.  A week or two later, while Kacey was one T-stop away from her car, she noticed she had a missed call from Nate.  She immediately exited the T and walked to where she could find service to call him back.  Nate said he was going to grab a few drinks before the Sox game and asked if Kacey wanted to meet up (she worked right across the street from the bar they were headed for! ).  She stayed calm and didn’t let him know that she was basically already at her car, and said she would finish up a few more things at work and head down.  She hopped back on the T, (thank goodness for that monthly pass!) and headed downtown.  While at drinks they discovered that Nate’s sister Annie and Kacey’s cousin Ali would both be graduating from UNH that coming Saturday and decided that they should probably meet up.  Kacey and Nate met up at the graduation, walked hand-in-hand, sat in a park sipping on beer in a coffee cup and making out.  Pure bliss!  After that day, they were pretty much “dating”.  Dinner or drinks after work... bike rides along the Charles... $0.10 wings at the Aasgard...  

Just when it became FBO (Facebook Official): Kacey headed out to Napa, CA for a long weekend to visit Kacey’s sister Kate while she was working out there.  While she was there, the same nurse that set them up, let Kacey know that there was a Hartwell Vineyard in Napa.  Knowing that she was going to be meeting Nate’s parents in a few weeks, Kacey splurged and purchased a bottle of expensive wine (the least expensive on their list, however).  Nate picked  Kacey up after her adventures, and after hanging out for a bit, he popped the girlfriend question.  Next thing you know their statuses went from “Single” to “In a relationship”. 

Those three little words:  Nate surprised Kacey one day after work with a “harbor cruise”... AKA a booze cruise that he bought from Barstool Sports . Even though most of the pax were Guidos & Guidettes, that didn’t stop them from having fun and they enjoyed the sunset on the harbor with a few drinks.  Kacey and Nate talked about their families and their upbringing and Nate interrupted Kacey with an “I love you” and after her inner goddess stopped doing backflips, she said it back.  It was perfect!

BFTOs: The Barker women are competitive creatures.  Kacey had to try-out to be the Maid of Honor in Kate’s wedding, so it was no surprise that Kate held Boy Friend Try
Outs to see if Nate could handle a Barker in his life.   Let’s let the pictures below tell the story...

It’s a ruff life:  The kid came first.  One day while Kacey was taking a break at work and playing on petfinder.com, she came across this pooch named Dottie who was just too cute for words, so she sent her picture to Nate to brighten up his day.  An hour later, she got an email from Nate that he applied to adopt her, but not to worry because he lived in the city and a lot of places don’t want dogs to be rescued in to a place in the city.  Naturally, a few days later, Nate gets an email that he was chosen to adopt Dottie.  Dottie came from Ohio to Rhode Island, where she was picked up by Nate’s mom and sister, Annie.  It was love at first site!  She was, and still is, the cutest dog on the planet.  She is just over a year old and is quite the sassy young lady.  When she is not trying to break in to the trash or slurping up water from the toilets, she enjoys cuddling and playing with her friends.
The day we got her!
Just chillin' at the park

The engagement:   After a year or so of being together, Kacey and Nate hypothetically talked about a life together and what they wanted as a couple and family.  Both of their grandmothers (and mothers and aunts and cousins and friends) always asked, “so when is Nate going to propose?” Those talks became more real as time went on, and Kacey and Nate decided to look at houses to buy together.  At that point, they knew it was a forever-thing and that it was the perfect time to buy a house.  Nate flew out to Utah to visit his cousin Jess for a ski trip, and one day while walking the shops, they went in to a local jewelry store.  Nate found a ring that was very unique and he loved it, but at that point, just left with an idea of what he wanted.  After a man vs. food challenge, and a bit too much whiskey, Nate and Jess meandered back in to the jewelry store and purchased the ring.  A few weeks later Nate and Kacey took a trip down to Rhode Island to Nate’s parents house on the water in Bristol.  On Sunday morning, Nate woke Kacey up to take Dottie for a walk.  Kacey was reluctant to go as it was just about 6:00 in the morning and it was cold and the bed was warm, but she threw on her long winter coat and they were on their way. The beginning of the walk was filled with “it’s so f****** cold, this is so stupid” and “I can’t believe you made me get up” but then, as Kacey stopped to take pics along the way, the sun was rising and it  was pretty.  After one of her picture stops, she turned around to keep walking when she heard a “hey!” from behind her.  She turned around and there was Nate down on one knee with a ring in hand and Dottie almost pulling him over.  Kacey’s mouth just dropped and Nate forgot all the romantic things he planned to say and all he could muster was a “So, do you want to?!”  Kacey screamed “put it on, put it on!”.  They headed back to Nate’s parents to share the news, where they had to wake up his mom Arlene who was still sleeping.  After a delicious celebratory brunch, they headed up to Mass to share the news with Kacey’s family.  Because they got engaged on April Fools Day, they decided to stop and purchase a ring-pop on the way to Kathy and Rich’s house, and tell Kathy that they couldn't afford a ring.  She started crying tears of joy even with the ring-pop, but then Kacey and Nate were like “Hi, thats a joke, here is the real ring, woman!”  Because Kacey’s family has “Sunday Dinner” every week, all the aunts, uncles, and cousins were over.  Kacey and Nate walked over to Gram’s part of the house, and asked Gram what the question was that she always asks Kacey.  Before she could answer Auntie Deb screamed and grabbed Kacey’s hand and found the ring.  We celebrated with champagne all around, which had been sneaked in by Dan, Kacey's brother-in-law, the only one who knew before hand!

The picture Kacey took while Nate was down on his knee

The best drunken purchase Nate has ever made!
The house:  April was a busy month for Kacey and Nate with the engagement, but even more so because they closed on their first house.  Luckily no major things needed to be updated, so they spent a few months slowly moving in, unpacking, decorating, cleaning, and painting.  They celebrated their house with a large family cookout with over 50 people in late June.  Nate enjoys mowing the lawn like a boss and Kacey likes taking long bubble baths in the pink flower bathroom.  They can often be found playing basketball at night and playing decathlon in the backyard (homerun derby, whiffle golf ball drive contest, field hockey etc) Here are some pics of their lovely abode: 

The neighhhhhhbors

Relaxing watching the pool boy do his work

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